How I became the countryside copywriter

Posted on February 28, 2022
the countryside copywriter

How did I become the countryside copywriter? I was asked exactly that over dinner recently, and now I’m sharing the (slightly embarrassing) story with you. I’ve also included 10 things every good copywriter should have, which I hope will help any burgeoning writers out there hone their skills. So, let’s kick off – here’s where my journey to becoming Claydon Leveret, the countryside copywriter, begins.  

In 2015, I suddenly decided to call myself a copywriter. 

I’d worked in PR for around 5 years, and I loved writing press releases and pitches. Our clients were luxury consumer-facing brands such as high-end jewellers, super yacht brokers, naval architects and interior designers. When I started freelancing for the first time, I decided I would offer copywriting services. A friend with a marketing agency in Hampshire got in touch as he needed a copywriter and heard I could help. He sent me some briefs, I wrote a test blog or two, and we all lived happily ever after. Except… we really didn’t.

There was nothing wrong with my spelling and grammar. Even my syntax was pleasing (word nerd alert!), but I had a big problem. An effective copywriter is versatile and can take a brand’s tone of voice and write effortlessly in it. In my work, the only voice shining through was my own. 

Looking back now, it makes me cringe. Kudos to past me for having a go (and I was way ahead of the ‘fake it ’till you make it’ Instagram era!), but it’s no different to realising you enjoy making memes and then calling yourself a graphic designer. It’s also very clear to me now that a good writer is made by… lots and lots of writing!

A good copywriter has:

🌳 Amazing research skills – it prevents you from writing boring or fluffy content, and even if you only write for one sector, there’s no way you’ll know everything. You need to find robust sources for any data, scientific studies and so on – never make assumptions.

✍🏻 Zero ego – feedback is a huge part of the job and there will be times when you must meet clients in the middle, amending your perfect copy to meet their expectations.

🌳 Oodles of creative and analytical brainpower. It’s essential to be able to take complex ideas and concepts and simplify it, making it easier to understand.

✍🏻 Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar. This one sounds very obvious but there are some ‘copywriters’ out there who have a loose grasp of all three, and are a constant source of amusement here at CL HQ.

🌳 The ability to write copy which is serious, educational, funny, persuasive or evocative – all depending on the end call to action. 

✍🏻 Plenty of SEO (search engine optimisation) knowledge – it goes hand-in-hand with copywriting for both websites and landing pages.

🌳 The skill to adopt and develop any brand tone of voice. As I said earlier in this blog, only having one voice won’t get you far – you’ll soon bump into a brand or client who pushes back. You need to be able to write copy which engages all kinds of people, not just people like you.

✍🏻 The ability to turn product or service features into benefits so that you’re solving a potential customer’s problem. Here’s an example – a car having ABS is a feature, but the way to sell ABS is by explaining the benefits of ABS in a clear, concise and compelling way – ‘ABS will stop your car from skidding and keep you and your passengers safer’. 

🌳 A solid understanding of the different marketing channels and how to write for each one. Today video is king, but guess what a lot of high-level video marketing needs right now? Scripts. And who will write those scripts? You guessed it – a copywriter! 

✍🏻 Business acumen. It sounds obvious, but to be a copywriter you not only need to understand how marketing works, but also how the words you use impact the perception of the business. 

The countryside copywriter was born!

So. It turns out that copywriting is a heck of a lot more complicated than I realised 7 years ago. I’ve been very lucky to meet some amazing marketers along the way who gave me a chance. Others helped me hone my writing skills. I’ve done my time writing for software companies and data giants, and I’m so lucky to now be working with some brilliant countryside and equestrian brands instead. I’ve worked as a dedicated countryside copywriter for 5 years now, and can safely say it’s been a success!

I’m still learning more about copywriting and the amazing possibilities of content marketing. One day I’m creating automated emails in HubSpot and marvelling at the power of this platform, the next chatting to horsey magazine editors about features. Right now, I’m in the early stages of working with a media agency who have seriously amazing hunting, shooting and fishing brands on their books. It’s another new and exciting experience and I’m busy using those aforementioned research skills. The learning curve goes on and on…! 

Until next time, 

Vix, the countryside copywriter ✍🏻🌳